Monday, October 13, 2008

Conference Meet Information

Conference Meet @ Nagawaukee Park

Leave Arrowhead High School by bus @ 7:10

If you drive be there by
**7:30 – for all FROSH
**8:30 for all others – meet at the tent

**They will be charging for each car coming into the park. You can park at the ice arena for free and walk to the meet. YOU MUST GET A TRAVEL RELEASE SIGNED AND RETURNED IF YOU ARE NOT TAKING THE BUS. THEY WILL BE CHARGING CARS TO COME INTO THE PARK – TELL YOUR PARENTS.

Bring: Team warm-ups, team T-shirt, extra sweats, and money for conference T-shirts

Picnic (for all athletes and parents)
Frosh: Bring 2 (10pk) drink boxes or pouches
Soph / Jr: Bring a salad – pasta, fruit, veggies, jello etc.
Sr.: Dessert – 2 doz. Cookies, bars etc.

Race like champions
Race Times:
9:00: Frosh boys
9:30: Frosh girls (McKinnon, Egan, Clemens)
10:00: Boys JV
10:30: Girls JV (All runners not on the frosh or varsity teams)
11:00: Varsity Boys
11:30: Varsity Girls
(Levac, Zeman, Bauer, Tetkoski, Mitchell, Senfleben, Wolfgram, Bruening)

Warm-up: All warm-ups will begin 45 minutes before you race. You will not be able to warmup right on the course while races are going on. 8 – 10 min jog, stretch near tent area, drills at the starting line.

Team - Win the JV and Varsity Championships
Individual – PR’s and All Conference Honors
Varsity – 1st team 1 – 8, 2nd team 9 – 16
JV, Frosh – Ribbons 1 – 10

With our success we have been in the spotlight. Be classy in all that you do. Compliment your opponents and be gracious in accepting praise.

Next weeks meet at Men. Falls will be for JV’s and Frosh.

“Run every race as if it were your last”

Please let me know if you have any questions about the conference meet!

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