Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cookout - Monday Sept. 15th @ Nixon Park

The girls team will have a team cookout on Monday, Sept. 15th starting at 5:00 and ending at 6:00. We will have practice after school. We will have the girls head over to Nixon Park after we run via car pool or parents. Our practice should end around 4:45. We will have the main dish and water for the girls, but I'm asking the freshmen and sophomores to bring fruit or veggies to the cookout as part of a side dish.

We will also tie dye T-shirts as part of a group activity, so everyone should bring a white T-shirt and whatever else they would like to the cookout. The theme is the 70's, so don't forget to dress up.

A special thank you to dads that are helping out with this event. You guys make this all possible.

If you have any questions please let me know.


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