Thursday, August 20, 2009

CC Information

Saturday the team will be going to Pike Lake for a training run and picnic. We will leave Arrowhead at 8:00 and return around 12:00 (depending on the weather). The runners always look forward to this as we get in some good training and have an opportunity to play some games as well. We are asking the JUNIORS AND SENIOR to bring a dish (fruit or veggies) to pass. Please send a serving spoon with the dish. We will be getting bagels and drinks for everyone.

Tuesday, August 25th there will be a parents meeting for girls cross country. We will be reviewing our philosophy and coaching practices with you. Handout for ordering spirit wear (team and parents) will be given out then if you haven’t received one. This meeting will take place in the junior study hall at 6:00PM. The meeting should last about an hour.

Other notes:

Friday we will hand out uniforms for team pictures on Monday August 24th @ 8:30AM at the track. Uniforms should be worn to practice. The runners should change into a practice shirt to do the workout.

Our first meet is Friday, August 28th at Arrowhead. Information (race times) will be handed out next week and is now posted below.

Coach Kaczor, Coach Brauer, Coach Dai and Coach Wesley

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